
Cooking Your Thoughts

rice noodles

It is a special noodles made by rice but not wheat as usual. My hometown is famous for the special kind of rice noodles called "HuangTan Rice noodles". Almost everybody eats this for breakfast everyday. These small shops sell them for breakfast everyday.This kind of shop is very simple, just beside the road,with a simple umbrella, cooking machine, tables and chairs. I waited for my best friends everyday when I was in elementary school. We ate together and then went to school. We usually ate in a hurry because we were late for school. Actually, I was late for school everyday at this time. However, whether how late it was, we would still ate breakfast. And whether how late it was, my friends would waiting for me. And we would be published together. My friends have to wait for me, or I will cry heavily. But when I let them late, I have to do homework for them or buy candies.



Grace dances with the music.

Grace wears a wedding dresses and smells like white lily.

Grace attracts all the people.

I learned use concrete words to discribe an abstract meaning. If you use some words that remind people of the abstract meaning, that will more make sense.

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